September 3, 2016

Final Year Mode : On

Salam guys. So last 31 August I went sampling for my final year project.
Guess where -Pulau Tinggi & Pulau Sibu, Mersing, Johor!
I remembered being so excited because i'm gonna go to islands right before my final year starts.

I stayed there for almost a week, menumpang kasih expedisi dan geran orang :p
Alhamdulillah I got to join the Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar Expedition.
It was last minute decision, though.
But I was homesick all the time because I can't face the reality that my semester started early :(

Abang Din yang aneh-aneh tak boleh bincang &
Abang Mi yang banyak tolong aku sebab aku makhluk yang lemah huhu
I learnt snorkelling for the first time here, i'm quite a fast learner though. Breath right & then you're set to go!
Thanks Hajar sebab sudi ajar, kalau kau pun tak reti snorkelling aku tak tahu la apa jadi kat aku.
End up rendam kaki je kot. Seronok memang seronok sampai 3 jam tak nak keluar air ðŸ˜‚
But it didn't end well bila kaki aku tercucuk dengan landak laut :v
Before going deep, I saw there were so many sea urchins below, hoping I won't get close to it.
But how kan, obviously aku siap kuak lentang kat situ (teruja sangat nampaknya) mana tak kena :D
Sadly there were no photos of me snorkelling because I forgot to bring the waterproof casing!
I was so dissapointed I tell you :(
It was a great experience with great people masyaAllah 
 Gonna miss EKOMAR1!